So if everybody familiar with the Favela map? And does everybody know about the little soccer ball and the two rusted out goal frames down at the bottom of the map, near the C domination point? Well while I was waiting for the server to populate, I started to play around with my USP .45 Tac Knife, and discovered that you cannot move the ball with your character model, but you CAN move the ball with your knife/bullets. The knife moves the ball a little bit, but if you shoot the ball the right way you can send that sucker flying. So I want to see if we can try this out, maybe a 2v2 or a 3v3. Anymore than that and it would get impossible. If there is anyway to make it so the players cannot be killed, that would also be good. Because I imagine the auto-pilot knife in MW2 would kill a lot of people. But if not we can work around it. Thanks!