« Last post by teeth_03 on August 05, 2013, 08:14:44 PM »
(This is still a While in Progress Thread, please post suggestions below)
How this works:
Everyone starts as an Ensign
For every game night you are present for a considerable part of it, you increase by 1 rank, up to the rank of Commander. The Admirals will keep track of this and it is up to the discretion of them to deny you a rank up for either not being there at all, for very long, or having bad behavior. You can only rank up once per week, so joining in multiple game nights does not net you a higher rank directly, but those who show a lot of pride and put a lot of effort into the fleet will be in consideration for promotion past Commander.
Ranking up past Commander, to Captain your own ship in fleet battles for example, is up to the discretion of the Admirals, and will most likely rely on the number of crew we have total; we will only commission a new ship if there are enough crew to man them.
Each Captain can appoint a XO for his ship for if he isn't present, or if something happens like a disconnect. Inter-ship rank past that is based upon the actual rank of the officer, we will try to not have too many people of the same rank on the same ship.